Producers, Farming Sheila Donohue Producers, Farming Sheila Donohue

The Essence of Family, Terroir & Natural Winemaking

Learn about the Corino family’s unconventional ‘back to basics’ way of farming, viticulture and natural winemaking. It’s based on tradition and learnings starting with Biagio Corino in the mid 1800’s, passing down from generation to generation. The baton was just passed from 5th generation Lorenzo Corino to 6th generation Guido and Luisa. Find out how, without formal training in viticulture and wine, the latest generation of Corinos are excelling at regenerative agriculture and making natural wines. Read this inspirational and informative article.

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Olive Oil, Farming, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Olive Oil, Farming, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

If These Trees Could Talk...

If these trees could talk, they would tell you about the Febo family in Abruzzo farming their land as early as the 1500s.. Olives were the mainstay of their farming family, from the Febo family’s olive tree grove whose trees date back to 500 years ago. For centuries, they lived on a ‘cucina povera’ or poorman’s cuisine of which their treasured olive oil was a fundamental part of it. Find out what we learned about olive oil production on a small, artisanal scale from Davide Febo, winemaker of Febo’s natural wines, and their organic extra virgin olive oil they bottled from their family’s private stash just for us.

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Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

Meet Vero's Latest Woman Winegrower

At the base of the Italian-Swiss Alps in the Northern part of Piemonte (Piedmont), is the Canavese wine region. Meet on the newest Vero producers, Antonella Piatti who is from there and for over 20 years has been cultivating organic vineyards and making wine from native Canavese varieties. Discover this lesser known wine region of Piedmont, in the Langhe’s shadow, as well as white wine grape Erbaluce, a superstar wine capable of being vinified 3 ways, and woman winemaker Antonella Piatti’s lover for her pergola style vineyards and Erbaluce.

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Interviews, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Interviews, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

Celebrating Family through the Fruits of the Earth

When Nonno and Nonna Febo worked to buy and create a foundation for a family farm in Abruzzo, Italy, they could have only hoped for their grandchildren to have the same passion for the land as they did. Today, the Febo family winery now run by siblings Davide and Laura are certainly making their grandparents proud! Learn their family story, and about their passion for handcrafting natural wines in Abruzzo.

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Olive Oil, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Olive Oil, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

Foraging For Tuscany's Best Olive Oil

There’s nothing like a really good olive oil. We came across some while visiting Antonella Manuli, the owner of La Maliosa who crafts not only natural wines but also award winning organic extra virgin olive oils. Find out in this article what we discovered on our recent visit to La Maliosa farm in Maremma, Tuscany. And start enjoying the delicious and healthy ways to use amazing extra virgin olive oils, like those of La Maliosa, for your own meals and entertainment with family and friends.

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Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

The Story Behind a Woman-Led Natural Wine Agricultural Startup

During our last VeroTalk with Antonella Manuli, founder of La Maliosa farm and winery, we learned how she took the road less traveled with her vision turned to reality of starting her own farm and making natural wine in the wild west of Tuscany, Maremma. Read Antonella’s story here, and the twists and turns she took, in taking a walk on the wild side making natural wine and organic olive oil in Maremma.

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Interviews, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Interviews, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

Under Le Marche Sun

In this next ‘Women in Wine Partners’ article, we get to know Claudia Pagliotti of Quercia Scarlatta.

A bit like a movie plot, Claudia took a chance with her husband and family when they had the opportunity to buy a countryside farmhouse. What started as a vacation home, then became the family business, farm and winery Quercia Scarlatta, making wine, olive oil, and other natural products.

Read Claudia’s journey in our latest blog article.

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Interviews, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Interviews, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

The Woman with Barolo in Her Blood

This is the second in our ‘Women in Wine Partners’ series which highlights a handful of the many women who hold the winery together, often ‘behind the scenes’, with their male partner who is the main face of the winery’s brand.

In this article we are bring the wife of Aldo Clerico to the forefront, Valentina, who, like Aldo, is born and raised in the Barolo wine country and also comes from a well known Barolo family dynasty: Conterno. Hear her story directly in this exclusive interview as she recounts her earliest memories of winemaking as a child, and her experience of running a family winery with her husband, Aldo Clerico.

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Interviews, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Interviews, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

Ups and Downs as a Women in Wine Partner

First in our series on ‘Women in Wine Partners’, of women ‘behind the bottles’ of select Vero producers, we are featuring Gretel Meys Compton of Southern California estate winery Clos des Amis. In this exclusive interview, she shares her discovery of wine, how she came to work in wine, with partner Bruce Freeman, her role in the winery, and her joys and struggles.

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Interviews, Producers Sheila Donohue Interviews, Producers Sheila Donohue

Real Lives of Women Winemakers

We sat down with Francesca Mecchia, the daughter of second generation woman winemaker Hilde Petrussa, owner of Vigna Petrussa estate winery in Friuli northern Italy. She recently decided to change careers, and her life, by going from architect to joining her mom in the wine business. Find out what it’s like to grow up in a lineage of women making wine and the role it plays in her life.

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Producers, Farming Jacqueline Mitchell Producers, Farming Jacqueline Mitchell

The 6th Generation of Natural Wine Growers Takes the Helm

Natural wine and sustainability in the vineyard were important passions to the late natural wine legend, Lorenzo Corino, of Case Corini. After spending a day with his son, Guido, we see the legacy continue with the 6th generation. Discover Guido’s approach and philosophy sustainable farming and winemaking and he carries forward, along with his sister Luisa, a rich heritage of cherishing their land and nature’s bounty of the fruits of their craft.

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Producers Sheila Donohue Producers Sheila Donohue

The Wise Man of Natural Wine

We reflect on Lorenzo Corino, who, according to a recent interview of him at Raw Wine Natural Wine Fair in New York by Heritage Radio Network: ‘Lorenzo is the epitome of a Legend – extremely knowledgeable, he creates wines of immense beauty, while also managing to be humble and generous to boot. He has given his life to viticulture and winemaking, and his wines are testament to his skill and love of the vine.’ Let’s learn about him, up front and close, along with his family’s wines in this article.

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Producers, Interviews Jacqueline Mitchell Producers, Interviews Jacqueline Mitchell

A Winemaking Family with Deep Roots in Montalcino

Travel through time, Montalcino from past to present, with wine ‘jack-of-all-trades’, Alberto Pagliantini and his family’s estate winery, Canalino in this article which sums up the interesting story of his family and their deep farming and winemaking roots just steps from the center of historic and picturesque Montalcino Italy and their commitment to sustainable practices in harmony with nature.

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Producers, Wine Regions and Appellations Jacqueline Mitchell Producers, Wine Regions and Appellations Jacqueline Mitchell

Discovering the Undiscovered: Small-Production Wines in California's Ventura County

Learn about the undiscovered wine region of Ventura County, Southern California, which has the landscape and geology to cultivate and make world class wines. Meet some people making waves in this up and coming wine region, with winery founders of Clos des Amis and Ojai Pacific View.

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Producers, Interviews Guest User Producers, Interviews Guest User

Like Mother Like Daughter? ... How Wine has Been a Part of Life-Changing Moments in the Petrussa Family

As the saying goes ‘like mother like daughter’…the women of Vigna Petrussa have been following in the footsteps of their mothers and joining in on the family’s wine business.

The vineyards of Vigna Petrussa have been in the family for several generations, but it wasn’t until Hilde’s mother, Giuseppina, started to make wine from her father’s vineyards, in the north eastern Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy near the Slovenian border, that the Vigna Petrussa winery was born….

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