Wine Grapes Jacqueline Mitchell Wine Grapes Jacqueline Mitchell

New World Old World Dolcetto

Dolcetto, a grape native to Italy's Piedmont region, ripens early and produces fresh, lively red wines. Unlike the area's famed Barolos, Dolcetto shines young, making it a beloved everyday red. We'll explore Dolcetto's journey, from sun-soaked vineyards in Italy to California, where a passion for Italian wines inspires a new chapter for this unique grape.

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Travel Jacqueline Mitchell Travel Jacqueline Mitchell

Alba Through the Eyes of a Local

A double threat, the Italian city of Alba has got a little bit of everything for both food and wine lovers. But what’s it like to live there? Are you ready for an insider's scoop on Alba? Our local guide spills the beans on all the nooks and crannies in this charming city. From hidden cafes with stories as rich as the coffee to secret spots that only the locals know about, we're peeling back the layers to show you Alba's true colors. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned explorer, join us as we take you off the beaten path, sharing tips, tales, and the kind of inside info that turns a trip into an adventure. Alba's waiting – check it out through the eyes of a local.

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Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

Master Barolo Vintages

The Langhe region in Piemonte, Northern Italy, is renowned for its exceptional red wines, but the story of each vintage is written by Mother Nature herself. Barolo winery owner Aldo Clerico wisely notes that winemakers don't make the same wine every year; it all depends on nature's whims. In this article we explore the Langhe's most recent vintages as we've witnessed first hand the impact of climate shifts on this terroir with extreme weather, such as devastating hailstorms, altering the winemaking landscape. Learn how Dolcetto, Barbera, and Nebbiolo grapes adapt to vintage variations from 2016 to 2021. Join us in understanding how the weather's ever-changing story shapes Langhe's timeless wines.

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Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

Secrets to Making Some of the Best Red Wines in the World

Meet Aldo Clerico, born into a family with vineyards that make some of the best red wines in the world, yet he was the first to make their own wine with them. What prompted him to take this initiative? How did he learn how to make wine? What are his secrets to making the really good Barolo wine? Get to know Aldo Clerico, his Barolo winery and exceptional red wines in this article.

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Interviews, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell Interviews, Producers Jacqueline Mitchell

The Woman with Barolo in Her Blood

This is the second in our ‘Women in Wine Partners’ series which highlights a handful of the many women who hold the winery together, often ‘behind the scenes’, with their male partner who is the main face of the winery’s brand.

In this article we are bring the wife of Aldo Clerico to the forefront, Valentina, who, like Aldo, is born and raised in the Barolo wine country and also comes from a well known Barolo family dynasty: Conterno. Hear her story directly in this exclusive interview as she recounts her earliest memories of winemaking as a child, and her experience of running a family winery with her husband, Aldo Clerico.

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Travel, Wine Regions and Appellations Jacqueline Mitchell Travel, Wine Regions and Appellations Jacqueline Mitchell

An Insider’s Guide to Barolo and the Langhe

Written as a personal perspective by in-house Vero Chef Jacqueline Mitchell, an American living and working in the Langhe, Italy for almost 10 years. Explore through the eyes of a local the hills of Barolo and vineyards of Barolo producer Aldo Clerico as we learn more in-depth about not only the rules and regulations of Barolo, but the spirit and passion behind the wine that is one of the best in the world.

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Pairings, Recipes, Wine Regions and Appellations Jacqueline Mitchell Pairings, Recipes, Wine Regions and Appellations Jacqueline Mitchell

Foods of the Langhe: What the Locals Eat

To get the full-on experience of the Langhe, a gorgeous land of plenty in Piedmont Italy, known for having some of the best red wines in the world, you have to try it food. Read about it and get a recipe for a delicious yet kinda unusual dish, called Bagna Cauda, a recipe from a real Italian Nonna.

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