Producers, Wine Regions and Appellations Jacqueline Mitchell Producers, Wine Regions and Appellations Jacqueline Mitchell

Discovering the Undiscovered: Small-Production Wines in California's Ventura County

Learn about the undiscovered wine region of Ventura County, Southern California, which has the landscape and geology to cultivate and make world class wines. Meet some people making waves in this up and coming wine region, with winery founders of Clos des Amis and Ojai Pacific View.

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Producers, Interviews Guest User Producers, Interviews Guest User

Like Mother Like Daughter? ... How Wine has Been a Part of Life-Changing Moments in the Petrussa Family

As the saying goes ‘like mother like daughter’…the women of Vigna Petrussa have been following in the footsteps of their mothers and joining in on the family’s wine business.

The vineyards of Vigna Petrussa have been in the family for several generations, but it wasn’t until Hilde’s mother, Giuseppina, started to make wine from her father’s vineyards, in the north eastern Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy near the Slovenian border, that the Vigna Petrussa winery was born….

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