Taste the Flavors of Romagna, Italy with Chef Riccardo ‘Raccia’ Severi and Davide Castagnoli, Braschi Boy Winery Owner,from Riccardo’s garden in Cesena, Romagna Italy. Watch the recording as Chef Riccardo literally picks from his garden and cooked up some farm-to-table dishes which you can learn to make too. Riccardo has been passionately cultivating his garden and experimenting with new recipes once the Covid lockdowns last year forced his restaurant to close.
It wouldn’t be a VeroTalk without some wine tasting, and joining Davide from Braschi in tasting and food pairing was Jeff Bonafede from Uncorked Hermosa Beach/Manhattan Beach.
To really get a sense of what wines Romagna can offer, we tasted three traditional Romagnolo wines from Braschi:
Braschi Famoso white wine (a fascinating story about the recent rediscovery of this grape variety)
We have bundled all three of these wines into a special Taste of Romagna Tasting Trio, and shipping is also included with this set (and free shipping with anything else you add on to the order). Order now to taste along with the video.
Curious about Romagna? Check out this article!
Chef Riccardo cooking at his restaurant prior to Covid lockdowns.